Sunday, 8 October 2017

The Allure of the Sandwich Maker.

I was thinking about sandwiches earlier (I do sometimes) and it occurred to me to wonder how long it is since anybody made me one. Making somebody a sandwich is a nice thing to do, isn’t it? You sometimes hear the line in movie scripts:

Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich if you like.

How sweet…

I couldn’t be sure how long it is since anybody made me a sandwich, but given the history of my domestic circumstances and the proclivities of various partners, I'd say it must be at least twenty seven years. That’s a long time, and so I decided that I could grow quite enamoured of a person who made me a sandwich (but only as long as that person was female, preferably on the youngish side, pleasant of appearance and disposition, and someone in whom I could invest a high level of confidence that their hands would not be contaminated by the residue of any sort of bodily function. Even bell ringers have standards.)

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