Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Constructive Vandalism.

The nature of the problem which is keeping me less than communicative lately has given rise to an unconventional thought:

Nothing in the world of phenomenal reality is permanent, not the shape of a mountain nor life itself. We all know that. So maybe we should go into every art gallery in all of the world and destroy everything we find there. Maybe art is only art as long as it’s being created. Once the painting or sculpture is finished, maybe it becomes a stagnant thing ready for destruction. Maybe our obsession with conservation derives from a pointless longing for unattainable permanence; maybe it’s one of the things that trap us in the illusion. Maybe.

We won’t, of course, and neither should we. Or should we? There are many reasons for not doing it, but it would teach us a lesson, wouldn’t it? It’s what the Buddhists do with their sand pictures.

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