Monday, 6 January 2014

Caution: Sleep Fairies Playing Pranks.

Now, here’s a funny thing. I quite often fall asleep at my computer in the early hours of the morning, and what’s odd is that it always happens when I’m not tired. One minute I’m wide awake and thinking ‘It’s time for bed now, better turn the computer off,’ and the next minute it isn’t the next minute at all, but half an hour or an hour later and I’m waking up still sitting here. I think I might be catching necrophilia, or something even worse if my sudden descent into malapropism is anything to go by.

What’s even stranger, however, is that something’s always happened to my computer when I wake up. Usually it’s been closed down, which is probably something I did myself just before I dropped off and have simply forgotten. Maybe that’s how narcolepsy works. Maybe you forget the last thing you did before you zonked out.

Last night was different. Last night, the album I had playing in YouTube was on its last track, but the browser had been switched to full screen. As far as I know, the only way to get Firefox into full screen is to press F11. So who pressed F11 while I was asleep, sitting bolt upright and still holding the mouse with my right hand?

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