Monday, 12 November 2018

A Rare and Welcome Occurence.

I was given a gift today. The receiving of gifts is something of a rarity in my life, so it always comes as a shock when it happens.

Remember the young woman in the coffee shop I mentioned last week, the one to whom I remarked that her irrepressible niceness seemed authentic? She served my coffee today and asked me how I was.

‘Or are you still not sure?’ she continued. I told her about the latest scans being clear, and she smiled.

‘Have this one on me,’ she said when I held out the price of an Americano with cream.

I felt – and probably looked – incredulous. I asked ‘Why?’

She said nothing, just looked back at me and smiled nicely. No compliments, forced or otherwise, just a smile. Isn’t that sweet? And genuine, so it seems I was right.

It’s at such times that the weight of living life among my species is considerably lightened, and I suspect the Lady Fu was behind it. The nargles were conspicuous by their absence.

*  *  *

I really must stop referencing Harry Potter. People will begin to think I’m strange.

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