Saturday, 30 September 2017

In JJ's Reality.

I woke up with a deeper sense of dread than usual.

The neighbour’s cat spoke to me for the first time.

I decided that I’m not mad, but merely bored with the fact that life isn’t letting me find what I’m looking for.

I discovered that the original sequel to Ringu was not Ringu2, but another film called Rasen. I expect to impress somebody with that little gem the next time I talk about films to a person who is easily impressed.

I continued to strut and fret my hour upon the stage, but saw only an empty auditorium beyond the footlights.

I mused on the question: ‘If you’re not aware of something, does it exist?’ My logic and my instinct fell out over it.

A man and woman in Mill Lane asked me the way to Ellastone. Giving people directions is curiously satisfying, although the reason isn’t necessarily as obvious as it might seem.

The cottage which used to hold such magic appears to be forever deserted these days. I don’t suppose it is.

Raindrops and dry leaves fell together over field, lane and garden. I felt that I was watching a picture break up and fall apart.

I’m only making this post because there’s a little over an hour left of September and I would rather see September (50) than September (49).

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