Friday, 1 September 2017

Exploring DOL.

I see from my Blogger stats that my post Dolorous Day continues to be read, or at least accessed, quite frequently And every time I do I’m struck by the same thought. I imagine there might be people around the globe to whom the world ‘dolorous’ is unfamiliar, and who might mistakenly assume that the post is about somebody called Dolores Day. And then they might go searching Google to find out whether Doris had a sister.

Oh, well. If Sir Lancelot could have his Dolorous Gard, at least I’m in esteemed company in reporting that my days are persistently dolorous these days as the doldrums continue to weigh heavy.

(It’s also an odd coincidence that the letters DOL have come to have some little significance for me, but you wouldn’t want to know about that.)

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