Systems malfunctioning. People malfunctioning. Technology
malfunctioning, even that which was bought new some time between a week and two
years ago.
Frustration at the inanity of recorded announcements (how
many more times do I have to listen to the disingenuous bleat ‘This call is
being recorded for training and quality control purposes?’ If you want quality,
please change the bloody system. I object to wasting money on a phone call just
to listen to pointless rubbish I don’t need to hear.) Frustration at the tyranny
of menu options, which you cannot circumvent however loudly you complain to the
machine. Frustration at the final contact when you’re greeted by an automaton who
reads from a script and is only fit for ticking boxes.
This could be a very long post, but there would be too many
seemingly disparate areas to be covered. Let’s just say that things used to be
better before the Commercial Revolution raised candyfloss to the status of
manna and set about eroding initiative.
My sensibilities are being trodden on, too many tools don’t
work properly, and I’m owed money because ‘we’re having problems with the system.’
How long before my mind jumps onto the same malfunction bandwagon?
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