Thursday, 30 April 2015

Mixed Fortunes.

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog was trying to make friends with the Labrador, but the Labrador was having none of it. Fortunately, they both made friends with me.

The woman shop assistant who kept staring at me last week pointedly looked the other way today. Maybe she didn’t want me to see her acne. Too late.

It was a day for getting stuck behind slow vehicles. It started on the road out of the village, continued for thirty miles to the city and beyond, and happened again on the way back. It’s odd how so much of one thing can happen so close together.

I encountered a wizened little man who picked up on whatever I said, trivialised it in the extreme, and then wouldn’t stop talking. It got close to being torturous, so I stopped saying things.

I made what might be deemed a disparaging remark about Jimi Hendrix on YouTube last night. Judging by the quantity of replies in my Gmail inbox, I think I’m about to get hailed on like bananas…

I’m eating almost normally again. (I never stopped drinking normally.)

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