Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Twenty Four Frustrations Revealed.

There was a news report today about three judges who have been sacked - and another who has resigned voluntarily - over the fact that they've been watching porn videos on their official internet connections. It has to be said that the porn wasn't of the illegal variety, but it still adds an interesting and unexpected flavour to one's image of the judiciary...

I never found the sight of women taking their clothes off particularly erotic. I never found frilly lingerie even slightly erotic. As for cleavage, it belongs in the trash can with the week-old bits of bacon rind which it closely resembles.

What I find erotic is the first 60-90 seconds of this video. Eroticism can surely be a sacred thing, encapsulated in the matter of beauty, promise and privilege.

On a more mundane note, imagine you were the dance director of a group of young people achieving something like this. Wouldn’t you be so damn proud of them?

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