Saturday, 30 July 2022

Trying to Work It All Out.

In less than an hour’s time it will be August. Time seems to be flying so fast now that I assume it must be getting dizzy.

(For some reason unknown to me, I felt I had to say that before mentioning a thought I had on the nature of the universe.)

I came to the conclusion, you see, that if the phrase ‘mother-in-law’ really is an anagram of ‘woman hitler’ (and it is; I checked), then I take it as proven that the universe really is both sentient and purposeful, since it would be stretching credulity to suggest that such a fact could occur by mere chance.

If only I could become familiar with the code it uses, maybe I could start paying it more attention. But first I need to work out what this has to do with time flying. Life is never easy, is it?
Edited to add:
Two hours later. Just realised there are thirty one days in July. I'm choosing to blame the way my wall calendar is laid out. Designers, eh? Who needs them?

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