Saturday, 16 July 2022

The Phantom Channel Mystery.

Some woman with the username robin my beloved has subscribed to my YouTube channel. She’s the second person in two weeks to do so. My ‘channel’ now has 12 subscribers.

There’s a mystery here, though, because as far as I’m concerned I don’t have a YouTube channel.  I know I have one technically because Google says I do, but I never asked for it, I’ve never used it, and I wouldn’t know how to. All I’ve ever done on YouTube is left comments and engaged in the odd discussion with a responder. So what are these twelve people subscribing to exactly?

But best of all is the fact that I took a look at my ‘channel’ – which is nothing more than a bunch of comments – and discovered that one of my ‘uploads’ has been removed because of copyright infringement. I’ve no idea how a comment can be in breach of copyright, but maybe this is the beginning of a reason to feel important. Would I like to feel important? Not really.

Nevertheless, I must say that, since the robin is my favourite garden bird, a woman who calls herself robin my beloved might well be the kind of person I’d be happy to have subscribing to something apparently belonging to me. So thank you, madam, whoever you are.

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