Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Rarely Positive.

Today was a positive one. Such days are exceedingly rare.

Today I had contact with two Sarahs – first with the one who seems to like me a lot even though I don’t know why (her disabled daughter does too, which is more pleasing but less surprising) and who I haven’t seen for a long time, and then with my MP from whom I’ve been expecting a response for over a week. Even the response was positive.

And then I was afforded an opportunity to pour oil on the troubled waters of my relationship with the neighbours. Relations are now back on an affable footing and living here has become less toxic than it’s felt for the past twelve days.

(There’s a lesson here that I’ve been trying to learn for a long time but never quite managed: when matters are not perfect I need to change what I can but accept what I can’t. And I mean really accept, not just put up with. I wonder whether I’m getting there yet.)

There was more to come, several things actually, most notably regarding the book I mentioned in the previous post – Klara and the Sun. I did a little searching on the web and found a second hand copy (stated to be ‘very good’ by a vendor with a good reputation) on sale for only £4.99 with free postage. That’s cheap, so it’s now on order.

But of course, you know what comes next… I don’t trust positive days, but see them as the universe toying with me; winning me with honest trifles to betray me in deepest consequence (and look what happened to Macbeth in the end.) I doubt I shall ever get over that one. If I’m to be born a jellyfish next time around, better try to be one of the Stoic persuasion.

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