Why do people regard the lack of complaint as a sign of nobility? I don’t. Any reader of this blog knows that I’m never short of a complaint or two. I complain to managers of shops about their products or their stocking policies. I complain to all and sundry about the state of the world. I complain about the shortcomings of human nature. I complain about the weather. I complain about the airheaded pronouncements which drip from the mouths of policy makers and others in positions of influence. I complain about the absurdity of celebrity worship. I complain about the fact that the progress of life in the so-called developed world is largely driven by the self-interested few and the promotion of shallow and spurious priorities. Let anyone approach me and ask ‘How are you, Jeff’ and what do they inevitably get? A complaint.
I’m a whinger through and through, and I have no problem with the fact. If anybody cares to write an obituary for me, I expect it will begin: ‘He was a right bloody moaner, that one. Good riddance.’
Dylan Thomas, on the other hand, wrote: ‘Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’ Did anybody call him a right bloody moaner?
I know I occasionally interrupt my natural inclination with a hint of praise where I feel it’s due, but only occasionally. I like exceptions to the rule. They are the stars in the dark night sky.
Tonight I have a toothache. And ever since I started this new medication consequent upon my vascular procedure, the feeling of being weak, washed out and generally ill washes in and out several times a day like those waves on a beach in Tahiti I mentioned earlier. They’re the first two complaints which come to mind. The third is that I watched the first half hour of the movie Dead Poets Society tonight. The opening ten minutes reminded me of why I so despise the values held by white, upper middle class American culture. (To be fair, I think I was supposed to be so reminded.) ‘Excellence’ indeed! Do they not know that excellence is a variable concept based on a questionable value system? Idiots. The following twenty were more encouraging. I will persevere.
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