Sunday 25 October 2020

Contrasting Days.

I didn’t make a post yesterday because I felt ill. Here’s the list of symptoms: 
Thick head
Sore sinuses
Sore throat
Sore chest
Reddened eyes
Pounding heart
Feeling constantly chilled in a warm room
Total lethargy
Medium grade depression (I grade them now.)
And the weather didn’t help matters much. The sky glowered darkly all day and the frequent bursts of rain seemed wetter than usual. And since rain always makes my old house damp, I could feel the chilly clamminess on my hands and face all day. By the time I went to bed I was fairly convinced that there was something wrong with me.

This morning I was fine again. I have sound theories to explain these occasional deleterious conditions of mine, but why bore you?

(Oh, have I? Oh. Sorry.)

And then Mel came over in the afternoon with a bag of DVDs to look through. I gave her the best three apples off my tree in return. I also gave her a cup of tea without charging for the tea bag, the milk, or the electricity to boil the kettle, so I think I can feel confident of having made fair recompense.

Off to wade through some more Dostoevsky now.

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