Friday, 17 May 2019

What Stirs the Innocent Affection.

I’ve almost reached the middle of Season 7 of House, so the good doctor and his emotionally dysfunctional entourage will soon be leaving me. Tonight I was reminded that he only ever said ‘God, you’re adorable’ to two people. The first was a little girl of around 2, and the second was a cute, pretty, slightly gawky and highly principled young female post-grad student. It made me realise that House and I have more in common than I would care to admit.

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Currently listening to the Romance from the Serenade in A Minor by Ralph Vaughan Williams. It was his first composition after leaving the Royal College of Music and contains the first expression of that brand of heroic music peculiar to the great VW. I find it very moving. And did you know that his second wife was nearly forty years younger than him? I find that pretty moving, too, especially since he was once described by an associate as looking like an old sofa with the stuffing falling out.

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