Wednesday, 8 May 2019

On House, Surrogate Mothers, and Picky Pigeons

I just watched the last episode in Season 6 of House. It was very dark, very dramatic, very depressing, and now I’m feeling very drained. It was all too close for comfort in more ways than one. I could have titled the post On Legs and Lovers, but some people might have thought it was going to be mildly pornographic and been disappointed. I do so hate to disappoint.

Today was as dull and disappointing as most days are, unless you count the woman in the Birds cake shop who offered me a napkin with my cream-doughnut-to-go. I’ve never been offered a napkin in a cake shop before and so I queried the offer. ‘As you were taking it out I thought you might like a napkin,’ she said. ‘I’m not posh enough to use napkins,’ I answered, and declined the offer with an appreciative smile. She’s the same woman who volunteered to butter me a cheese scone a few weeks ago if you remember. I’d say she’s between fifteen and twenty years younger than me, but I swear she thinks she’s my mother. She behaves like my mother. Apart from that she’s sort of growing on me.

The pigeon-with-a-bad-leg which shared my lunch was very taken with the wholemeal bread but seemed distinctly unimpressed with the cream cheese and spring onion. It struck me as odd, but then I wondered whether feral pigeons are actually quite posh and my feathered guest would have welcomed the provision of a napkin. The coincidence of Birds and birds was not lost on me.

Oh, and Cuddy finally said ‘I love you’ and House finally looked happy.

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