Friday, 25 April 2014


This evening’s twilight was a special one. The rain that had been falling steadily for several hours had stopped, leaving the air saturated and mellow. A heavy haze hung over the darkening valley and there wasn’t a breath of wind. Neither was there a sound except the occasional trilling of a bird from some nearby shrub or high treetop. Never since that splendid Beltane Eve fire three years ago have I felt such a sense of profound peace on the outside, while silent but vibrant forces fuel the fire of nature’s imperative somewhere out of sight.

You know, I can laugh at a Japanese ghost story, I can thrill to a good rugby match, I can become enthralled by an intelligent film or novel, and I can rail at the self-serving machinations of political and corporate establishments. But it’s twilights like today’s that truly take my breath away.

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