Sunday, 1 September 2019

Seeing Through the Soapsuds.

I’m currently watching Series 4 of X Files, the boxed set of which I picked up for the knock-down price of £2.99 from a charity shop.

You know, back in the day I was an avid fan of X Files, but it’s only while watching it now that I realise just how many glaring plot holes it contained. Is that because I’m twenty or so years older and disposed to look for loopholes with the benefit of a more cynical outlook? Or is it because I’ve largely left the world behind and see the relative positions of trees better for being outside the wood?

I don’t know, but it is interesting to realise how easily a well made film or TV show can drag you along with a compelling plot so completely that you fail to spot the absurdities contained within it. I’m finding this with nearly everything I re-watch these days.

I did think of watching some episodes of The Magic Roundabout on YouTube, but maybe I won’t. Some childhood memories are better left intact.

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