Sunday, 29 September 2019

Minor Speculation.

My Hotmail inbox frequently gets polluted by those cheap, click bait adverts which Microsoft chooses to allow in its infinite wisdom. One of the current ones shows a picture of an insect, appended with the message:

This is not an ordinary bug.
If you see one…

Well, I’m never going to get to the punch line, am I, because I’m not the sort to be susceptible to click bait? So I thought I’d speculate a little, since it’s late and I’ve got nothing better to do.

This is not an ordinary bug. If you see one…

Eat it.

Call a vet.

Call a doctor.

Call a psychiatrist.

Don’t eat it.

Put it in an envelope and send it to your worst enemy.

Invite the neighbours to a bug appreciation party.

Lay off the liquor.

Kiss it and hope for the best.

This blog is not what it once was. I think I’m drying up.

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