Friday, 27 September 2019

Staying Quiet.

I hit a minor free-flow patch last night, but tonight I’m struggling to find anything to say. It might have something to do with being preoccupied with the priestess. She was a little upset, poor thing, and needed an ear to burn. I got chosen.

I suppose I might mention that I was accused of being ‘typical of the liberal left’ on YouTube tonight. A short, pithy (and moderately clever) reply came rapidly to mind (which is unusual for me) but I decided that:

a. If he didn't understand the point I was making, he probably wouldn’t have understood the joke. So there was no point.

b. It would have amounted to a projection of ego, and that wouldn’t do. I might still be a fan of Oscar Wilde’s and Dorothy Parker’s capacity for the ready and witty retort, but I’m trying to be a better person.

Which makes me feel noble… Damn. You really can’t win in this life, can you?

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