Friday, 29 June 2018

Purple Haze.

How should one address the purple haze which drifts in silence through the mind, clouding fact and fancy, form and foreseeable future?

I suppose I should really write a long and detailed post around the subject of the man who owns the health food shop and waxes eloquent about the great panacea that is cannabis oil. I should make reference to the conflict between ready anecdotal evidence and cumbersome clinical trial, particularly noting that anecdotal evidence sees only the presumed successes while ignoring the apparent failures. I might mention that men who own health food shops need to sell their wares in order keep their businesses, and then admit that pharmaceutical companies do the same thing but on a bigger scale. Maybe I should consider the theory that nature provides a cure for every ill it sees fit to confer on us. And no doubt I would have to admit that the man who owns the health food shop might be right even though the evidence he presents isn’t actually proof. And then I might explain why I still laid out £39 for a tiny bottle of his stock-in-trade in spite of my scepticism.

Frankly, I can’t be bothered. The purple haze is clouding my view and my judgement. And besides, there is another issue about which I’m finding it difficult to decide whether I’m right or not. I expect it will all become clear eventually assuming the dark rider and his ebony steed keep their distance long enough. And if they don’t, it won’t matter.

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