Tuesday, 5 June 2018


There are certain people to whom I feel close, but who I know to be indifferent to me so I don’t pester them. I do wish certain other people would extend the same courtesy to me when the roles are reversed.

Today has been the kind of day when one irritation followed another and consigned my mood to a dark and agitated place. They were the kinds of irritation which get under your skin to twist and turn and niggle and nag until you want to run screaming back to planet Zod where you belong. May the gods preserve me from neighbours, administrators, and people who cross my lines because they’re too dumb, too insensitive, or too something-or-other to notice them.

On a pleasanter note, a little white moth kept flying around my head in the garden yesterday evening. It didn’t come particularly close; it just kept flying from one position to another and then stopping to hover as though it was regarding me from all angles. Maybe it was deciding whether I was edible or not, or maybe it was trying to connect with me on a level altogether removed from planet Earth, or maybe it wasn’t a moth at all but a member of the heavenly host disguised as a moth and come to teach me about peace, joy and goodwill to all men.

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