Wednesday 3 February 2016

Looking on the Good Side.

With all due respect, apologies and condolences to Americans with an IQ exceeding 10, I have to confess a secret sense of favourable expectation at the possibility of Trump becoming President. For a start, I’m curious to know what the effect will be on the Special Relationship. Strained, I should think. But that isn’t the main reason. Mostly I’m looking forward to getting back to the good old days when that good old boy, GW, was the world’s greatest comedian. With the Tories in power over here, we’re desperate for a good old laugh.

I’ve also thought of a possible explanation as to why Putin was talking him up a few weeks ago. He probably realised that if Donald gets the vote, there’s an even chance that the whole of the EU will be seeking associate membership of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, I expect the Chinese will continue their drive towards becoming the world’s next great superpower (as they have been several times throughout history, I gather) which mightn’t be such a bad thing after all. Have you taken a good old honest look at Chinese culture lately? It’s good.

(The llama just poked his head around the curtain and winked. Enigmatic as ever.)

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