Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Rough Day.

Over the past twenty four hours I’ve moved from having a persistent, tickly cough, to a chest infection, to a raging sore throat, to sore sinuses, and a little earache thrown in for good measure. Needless to say, they overlapped. Add in a couple of stress factors and the good old perennial CFS, and it should come as no surprise that I’ve spent the day lying in a hole waiting for somebody to come and fill it in. It was rough.

Now a cold is starting to emerge, so I’m sneezing and snuffling a lot and blowing my nose every few minutes, which I find extremely irritating. Mel rang at lunchtime and I could hardly talk to her for several minutes owing to the sticky mucous closing up my throat and sinuses (disgusting, I know) as well as the fact that talking hurt. (You’d think it should be ‘hurted,’ wouldn’t you?) Anyway, she asked whether I had any honey and pain killers. What? Do I look like the sort of person who would have honey and pain killers? I have scotch, which certainly pre-dates painkillers as we know them, and probably honey, too.

She isn’t happy. In fact, she’s every bit as glum as I am, so we spent two hours exchanging woes. (Shall I do the spaceship analogy? No, can’t be bothered. Still feeling rough.)

And to complete a day that was a bit… erm… rough, I discovered tonight that one of my favourite Faun tracks has been taken off YouTube, by the band. I would have understood if it had been the music publisher, but the band? I just went off them. The old Move classic Flowers in the Rain has also been squashed. Well, Roy Wood lives about four miles from here, and I sometimes see him in Ashbourne, so maybe I’ll have a quiet word if I cross his path again.

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