Sunday 25 April 2010


I don’t like to go a whole day without posting something, but I’ve been busy and it’s getting late. The enigma of the failing projectile and whether it demonstrates the illusory nature of perceived reality will have to wait until tomorrow.

So, just to keep my hat in the ring, I thought I’d mention my adoration of Dorothy Parker’s wit. My favourite is what she said about the Yale Prom:

‘If all the girls attending it were laid end to end, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.’

Do you know, I explained that joke to an actress three times once, and still she didn’t get it. Her favourite, true funny story concerned the day she fell off her bike while on holiday in Italy. She said the only thing that concerned her was the fact that she wasn’t wearing any knickers. I sense inverted logic at work somewhere, but I’ve never worked it out.


lucy said...

lol that actress! poor thing, but it would have been very funny!

where did you meet an actress?

Carmen said...

hahaha did this actress end up being very successful?

JJ said...

Successful? Not sure; I lost touch with her. But by then she had already snared a handsome Italian man called Giuseppe who owned a restaurant in Soho. I think she regarded that as pretty successful.

Maria Sondule said...

Did you post at 1:15 AM???? It constantly amazes me how late everyone else in the world seems able to stay up, whereas I can't keep my eyes open past 11.

JJ said...

Yup - always been a night owl. The latest I ever left a pub was 05.20. My ex was an early retirer. But her name is Helen, and Helen is definitely a morning name, whereas I think of Maria as a night name. Jeffrey's just a very silly name, which probably explains everything.