Saturday 3 April 2010

A Soft Touch.

I was going to post about the head teacher and the slaughtered lamb, but it's getting a bit late so I thought I'd keep up the daily routine by posting something I just wrote to somebody in an e-mail. Don't really know why; it's nobody's business but mine. But you know how you sometimes get a feeling that you just want to throw something out into the ether...? I'll do the other one tomorrow.

I admit to being a bit of a soft touch for beggars. They have a look about them that I can’t ignore. I know some of them are making lots of money and living the life of Riley, but I think most of them ended up there because of some tough circumstances, the likes of which most of us never encounter. I used to rub shoulders with a number of homeless alcoholics when I worked for the charity. I heard some of their stories, and I learned that life can be a real bastard at times. And if they want to use alcohol as an anaesthetic, what has that to do with me? What right have I to judge them? I remember encountering a Chinese beggar near Euston Station in London once. I only gave him a pound, but the look of joy on his face made me very sad. So when people tell me I’m stupid for giving them money, I ignore it. I am who I am.


Victoria said...

I have the same attitude. Who am I to judge?

Nuutj said...

IMO, that's good for helping people in need (as long as they decide to do so themselves, not part of human trafficking like in here.)

JJ said...

You've hit on something that really bothers me, Mei-shan. My ex went to India and Nepal for two months a couple of years ago. She told me how begging is an 'industry' run by pimps over there, and she told me the depths the organisers will plumb to make the victims (often children) more evoking of sympathy. It made me feel sick. As for trafficking, we even get that here. I really try hard to understand the darker side of human nature, but some things beat me.

Thanks everybody.

Nuutj said...
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