Tuesday, 25 October 2022

The Harmony of Yin and Yang.

I think it’s true to say that there are only two aspects of human endeavour which, generally speaking, have the power to make my eyes damp. One is extreme kindness; the other is a certain kind of music. And for me, the most evocative of all musical sounds is the bringing together of male and female voices in sublime harmony. It somehow makes the business of living complete; it’s the essence of universal wholeness; it’s the simplest and most powerful expression of yin and yang.

And that’s why I’m posting this rendition of Enya’s ‘May it Be’ from The Lord of the Rings, sung here by the ensemble called Voces8. I don’t often post musical videos these days, but tonight I decided that this one had to go in because, tonight, the passage beginning at 1.03 made my eyes damp.


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