Saturday, 15 October 2022

A Note on Nell and Lumens.

I met little Nell (as opposed to Little Nell who only exists in a book) again this evening. She’s the sweet little spaniel cross I first met about a year ago when she was out perambulating the lanes with her female householder, name of Catherine. Tonight she was conducting the same exercise with the male householder (husband of Catherine) whose name I don’t know because he’s never told me.

Nell seemed as pleased to see me as I was her and much fuss was bestowed in both directions. Meanwhile, the male householder kept me talking for some time on various topics, but mainly the fractured state of American culture (he’d met an American country and western singer in a bar, it appears, and learned all about it. My knowledge comes mostly from YouTube so I was able to keep pace.)

The problem with this encounter was that I was out clearing the road grids of fallen leaves and other debris while there was still enough light to see what I was doing. And the light was falling lumen by precious lumen for every minute the conversation continued. And I still had two other jobs to do before it was too dark find my way around the outside of my house. Eventually I made my apologies and we went our separate ways.

That was the point at which my endeavours took a difficult turn.  The combination of fallen leaves and near darkness made the finding of one grid lower down the lane difficult, but find it did because I’m clever like that. And I did mange to get the other two jobs done without tripping over anything or stepping on any of the little living things which utilise the path around the outside of my house at that point in the diurnal round. And then I came in and did the final in-house jobs before having a cup of tea. And now I’m writing inconsequential stuff like this because I’ve got nothing better to do. But at least I haven’t made a single mention of Putin or the very weird turn that British politics took today.

So it isn’t all bad. Life, of a sort, goes on.

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