Sunday, 1 July 2018

Collateral Damage.

I don’t think I ever mentioned that my taste in food and drink changed quite dramatically after the kidney operation. Many things I used to like a lot have now become unpalatable to some extent or other. These include lettuce, tomatoes, wholemeal bread, baked beans, crisps and beer. Even chocolate has its on days and off days. And I’ve become very picky. When I’m looking for something to eat I consider everything I’ve got in the house and only one thing will do. The rest leave me cold even though I feel hungry.

And then there are the cravings. Today it was cheese and pickled onions. Another day it was coconut. I don’t generally like coconut. And one night at 2am when I was becoming tired and nicely pickled in the spirit of Scotland (which I do still like) I felt the urgent need of a bowl of porridge.

All of which makes me wonder whether having a kidney removed can make you pregnant.

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