Sunday, 29 April 2018

The Greatest Bully.

Something else which came to my notice today is the fact that next Wednesday will be the 12th anniversary of my moving into this house. What a different person I was then – under the financial cosh, but so much fitter, stronger and more confident of an eventful future.

It has been said that there is no bully who cannot be beaten, and I’m sure that’s true with just one exception. Time is the ultimate bully, the one who cannot be beaten by man, beast or metaphysical agency, the tyrant who drives us on remorselessly to the end of our days and ultimately the end of everything. There is no facing up to time; no blow strikes anything but empty air; no grumble stands the slightest chance of melting a heart of black diamond. We can only take the whip, hold our fading bodies upright for as long as possible, walk on with resignation, and accept our inevitable fate with as much equanimity as our natures will allow.

Today has not been a good one in the injured body department.

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