Saturday, 14 April 2018

Polluted Pleasure.

The spring is springing nicely in the Shire today. The temperature is up to the seasonal norm, there’s a light breeze drifting across the land to encourage the growing things to wave happily, and there’s even some hazy sunshine to set the spring flowers glowing with satisfaction. It was a good day to try my first walk down to the village post box, and so that’s what I did.

It was pleasant and uneventful with no notable signs of strain, but I was struck by a sudden fear. Suppose I were to encounter somebody I know who likes to stop and talk, and suppose they were to be accompanied by a big Labrador dog which likes to leap at people joyfully. There are several such people with such dogs in this area and in normal times I don’t mind being leapt at. But these are not normal times and the prospect was a little worrisome. The fear proved groundless. The only dog walker I encountered was a woman I hardly know who was out with her quiet little mongrel, so no harm done.

Ordinarily this would be a time of great optimism, but I still have the next two weeks and two more procedures looming in the mist ahead. And there’s also the fear that I might be subject to another Great Crisis like the one which laid me low nine days ago. It takes the edge off the joys of spring a bit, but what can I do but walk the path laid out ahead and see what happens?

Whatever it is, no doubt it will be reported here for anyone who is interested. And to those who are interested I offer my thanks.

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