Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Spicer's Slippery Fingers.

I see Trump’s team is still underperforming in the Super Bowl of world politics at the moment. The latest to drop the ball is Sean Spicer with his remarks about Hitler and chemical weapons.

In fact, it isn’t the original comment that I find so surprising or even offensive. That’s just another example of ineptitude and narrow thinking, and we get plenty of that from politicians everywhere. What I find odd is the fact that he seemed to lose all ability to use the English language at even the most basic level when he tried to extricate his nose from the dirt into which it was being rubbed. That’s pretty odd when you consider that Mr Spicer is the Press Secretary of the country which is supposedly leader of the free world. You’d think a Press Secretary would be good with words, wouldn’t you?

My personal regret is that we no longer have that great satirical show Spiting Image on our screens over here. Messrs Luck and Flaw would have a field day with the White House Wonders.

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