Monday, 31 August 2015

Lacking Erudition.

It took me some time to realise that Salva Nos means ‘save us.’ (Salva – salvation? Nos=Nous=Us?) I thought it had something to do with salt.

Simple soul that I am, I listen to it regularly because the lead singer’s voice is so sexy.


blondiesr71 said...

I too love the Mediaeval Babes though for different reasons.

JJ said...

Quite so. I was just being flippant - doing the late night, laid back, slightly inebriated, talking to myself thing. Are you familiar with Faun? Some of their earlier stuff was a bit special, although they've gone a bit more lightweight and commercial these days.

Madeline said...

This post made me curious as to the etymology of the word salt, which apparently comes from Old English. I would have guessed it came from the Latin "sal" for salt, but apparently they both come from an Indo-European word (at least according to Google). Well I learned something.

Nice song too.

JJ said...

I always assumed it came from Latin, too, having been told that the word 'salary' comes from the practice of paying workers in salt. I wonder why the saltire cross is so called.

blondiesr71 said...

I have not heard of Faun but will certainly check them out. Thanks for the music tip.

JJ said...

Their music has covered a variety of styles down the years, so it's worth shopping around a bit. 'Karuna Unplugged' is one I like from earlier days, and 'Punagra' is another one. And you might sample the tracks on the album 'Eden.' Much of their stuff is characterised by a strong percussion base, which I like.