Monday, 21 January 2019

The Glumness of the Swede. A Retraction.

I think I’ve come up with a reasonable explanation for why the Swedes appear a little glum at times. My perception of them has now altered and I don’t think they’re glum at all. I was musing on people like Bergman and Garbo, and also the serial Black Lake and cop dramas like Wallander, and came to the tentative conclusion that Swedes are simply more aware of the human condition, with all its faults and frailties, than most people are. It’s probably their forte, and probably why 72% of Swedes have Masters degrees in psychology.

(OK, I made the number up, but it would probably be about right if only they’d put their mind to it instead of making Volvos and flat pack furniture and singing about the Battle of Waterloo.)

So, dear people of Sweden, I retract my earlier suspicion, apologise unreservedly, and applaud you. I might even consider coming to live there if only I could learn to say ‘OK’ with the correct inflection.

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