Saturday, 12 January 2019

It Was a Glum and Creepy Night.

Just a quick update on the last post:

I watched the glum Swedish drama as notified and now I’m glum. It wasn’t the concluding episode; there’s one more to come. I still don’t know whether Minnie is loopy or not, I still don’t know whether Mr Viking really is a bad egg (we know that he’s been cooking the books, but that just means he’s a fan of free market principles), and I still don’t know whether the creepy old housekeeper who clearly knows-something-but-isn’t-telling is complicit in the dastardly deed (whatever it may be) or merely a victim of her own glum history. But at least the frail little guy who never does anything but creep about creepily hasn’t shot anybody yet, even though he’s both the creepiest and glummest of the lot.

Oh well, here’s to next Saturday…

Meanwhile, my Blogger stats tracker reports that while I was away becoming glum, I had the strangest, most mysterious set of visits I’ve ever seen – thirteen of them, no less. Now, that is creepy. And the wind is moaning and howling even more than it does in glum Swedish dramas. Don't I just love atmosphere?


Anonymous said...

Were the 13 visits from Sweden?

JJ said...

As far as I recall they were from the UK. I never get visits from Sweden, not unless Sweden is Google's notorious 'Unknown Region.' Maybe it is. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

And I think I should say that my little ramblings about Sweden amount to nothing more than a mischievous kid firing his pea shooter at the nearest target. No offence was ever meant. I have nothing whatsoever against our Swedish friends and have even been known to shop at IKEA.

And apologies for the late reply. My internet has been off for three days.