Saturday, 19 January 2019

Mind in Control.

My brain has been concocting blog posts today but my mind won’t let me make them. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because the house is getting colder by the day and I find cold houses uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because the people I want to be contacted by are either entirely ignorant of the fact or decline the imposition. Maybe it’s because something somebody said in a recent episode of House caused me to have a disturbing dream, after which I woke up convinced that I would be dead before the end of the year.

We live life almost entirely in the mind, don’t we? Perception is the whole of the life experience. The majority of tonight’s episode of House consisted of the good doctor’s hallucinations after somebody shot him. At least, I think it did. All drama is the outpouring of somebody’s mind, so how can you be sure you’ve completely understood it unless you completely understand the mind of the writer?

And what if the whole of life is an hallucination anyway? Wiser men than me have said so often enough.

But now I’m going to watch the denouement of the glum Swedish drama. The synopsis suggests it’s going to be the glummest of the lot, and it’s 1½ hours long. Here’s to understanding.

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