Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Running on Empty.

On Sunday afternoon a poor tree was brought down by the gale force wind we were having at the time. It landed on a telephone cable and neither tree nor cable survived the encounter, in consequence of which I’ve had no internet connection for three days. It’s been driving me nuts because I live my largely reclusive lifestyle mostly through the internet these days, and I was unable to make any of the several posts which ran through my head during the enforced hiatus.

‘So,’ you might say with reasonable justification, ‘presumably you wrote them down and saved them for when you got reconnected.’

No I didn’t; I don’t do that sort of thing. It smacks too much of order and organisation and planning and seven fat years followed by seven lean and all that sort of thing. It’s not my way. If something flies by and I can use it, then use it I will. If I can’t, I let it continue its journey unmolested. Who knows, maybe it will land in somebody else’s head and he or she can write about it. Oddly, I don’t take this view with money, just ideas.

Anyway, the point is that now I’ve got my internet back I’ve got nothing to blog about. Ashbourne today was grey and wet. It was as glum as a Swedish melodrama but rather less interesting. The most interesting thing that happened in Ashbourne today was that Sainsbury’s were out of potato salad just when I wanted some, and that wouldn’t make much of a post.

Sorry. I’ll try to think of something to say before the next tree falls over.

(Oh, I just thought of something moderately interesting. The fan heater in my bathroom caught fire when I switched it on last night. Will that do to be going on with?)

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