Having had an awful lot to do with women over the years, I’ve become convinced that men and women have subtly different ways of seeing life and making sense of it. As a result, I think we’re all constantly labouring under the delusion that members of the opposite sex generally understand each another. Fortunately, it isn’t usually that big a problem and sometimes it’s downright amusing. There is, however, one aspect that’s always worried me. I’ve found that most women fail to realise how easily the Ego and Super-Ego can be suppressed in men, leaving the Id fully in control.
My experience has led me to think that it happens most commonly in two types of situation:
Those which generate conflict, anger and/or fear.
Those which generate sexual arousal.
The latter is the problem area for women, especially young, attractive women. Their natural role in the game of romance is seduction, whatever the feminists claim, and too few of them realise what an unstable stick of gelignite they can be juggling with. Of course, I’m not saying that all men will be reduced to ravening animals merely at the flick of an eyebrow, but a lot of men are more easily moved to that state than most young women realise. I’ve seen it happen. And when the Id takes command, action ensues. Furthermore, that action is unsuppressed because the perpetrator doesn’t know there’s any need to suppress it. That’s a fundamental feature of the Id: it has no sense of right and wrong, nor even any grasp of reason. It runs straight and true on the basest of drives, and the result can be very unpleasant.
So my advice to young women is this. Get to know your man well before you start trying to seduce him. Be sure that he has at least a reasonably well developed higher self and a good grasp of consequences before you start tossing the bomb around. I hope my meaning is clear enough without the need to become too graphic.
I think you did Freud proud and very well-written advice, Jeff! Although, we women do have our demanding id's popping all over the place too ;)
Don't I know it, Wendy?! It's just that the consequences aren't usually quite as traumatic.
Fun post, lol seems relevant to the people around me lately...adding my 2c I'd say alot of this is especially the typical affliction of the male Saggitarian...
Well, it certainly isn't true of THIS male Sagittarian. Easily seduced, maybe, but I do take 'no' for an answer. I only recall my Id taking over twice in my life, and they were in situations of conflict.
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