Thursday 14 October 2010

Petulance Recalled.

I want, I want an ice cream, mum.
I want an ice cream now!
And if you will not buy me one
I’ll make to you this vow.

I’ll go and find another mum
And pester her instead,
Until she’s so fed up, she’ll come
And bash you on the head.

I know that to be rid of me
Was e’er your fondest dream.
It isn’t going to happen, though,
So buy the damned ice cream!


Maria Sondule said...

hahahaha the parent that gives into this would be using positive reinforcement to reinformce her kid's nagging. (psych!)
I would hope that I was never like this, but I probably was.

JJ said...

Now you're doing that American thing, Maria. I no longer trust psychologists!