Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Tao of the Vegetable Samosa.

I was saying to Mel tonight that anything I feel strongly drawn to, as opposed to merely liking, always brings with it a degree of frustration. Be it a person, a landscape, a piece of music, a particularly favourite item of food or drink – there’s always a nagging sense that beyond what I’m seeing or hearing or tasting or feeling, there’s a hidden essence which would make the experience complete. And I never find it.

*  *  *

I wish I hadn’t thought about vegetable samosas while I was taking a shower tonight. As wonderful as hot buttered toast is, it doesn’t quite match the meltingly magical appeal of a vegetable samosa. Then again, it isn’t as frustrating either.


Madeline said...

I know just what you mean about that frustration but have never seen it verbalized before.

JJ said...

Shall we form a club or keep it unofficial?

I'm driven by an almost manic need to verbalise almost everything that occurs to me. It's probably a recognised condition.