Sunday, 29 November 2020

Proposing Resolution.

I was talking to Mel tonight and an interesting topic cropped up: the apparent contrast between the seemingly linear progression of individual lives and the unerringly cyclical nature of the mechanism in which life functions.

It’s this question which leads me to give a high level of credence to the concept of reincarnation; the cycle of life, death and rebirth; the persistence of individualised consciousness through many lifetimes – probably until we gravitate to different cycles functioning at higher levels until we re-engage with universal consciousness and attain oblivion. I gather this is fundamentally the Buddhist view.

If such is the case it would follow that there is no contrast at all because the seemingly linear progression is not linear but only appears that way because our limited perceptual faculty is unable to see the whole of the circle on which we’re moving.

I can’t know this, of course – at least not yet – but I like the idea. The resolution of apparent contrast pleases me and feels right. But feeling right is not the same as knowing (at least not yet.) Maybe I’ll have a better idea after the body in which I’m currently living is dead. Pity I won’t be able to make a blog post about it. Sorry.

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