Thursday, 12 November 2020

Matching the Animal.

I saw two women out riding horses today. The horses were tall, slender and elegant. The women were tall, slender and elegant. And then I saw a short, thick-set woman with a broad head walking her two bulldogs down the lane. Seems to be true what they say about people and their choice of animal companions.

I asked myself whether I had a favourite breed of dog these days. I couldn’t think of one. It used to be the Border Collie and I used to have a Border Collie. Seems I was a Border Collie type back then, and she was one of the biggest lights of my life. But now? No idea.

I wonder whether this indicates that I’ve lost my sense of personal identity since I can’t think of a dog to represent me in the table of equivalents. Probably not; it probably indicates what I already know. Dogs belong with people and I don’t.

Two people told me, in quite different circumstances, that my totem animal is the bear. That sounds about right, especially the grizzly bear. Bears don’t belong with people either.

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