Monday, 18 May 2020

Random Jottings.

Most days nobody wants to talk to me, and that’s when I wonder whether I’ve died and gone into limbo. Today I had seven messages and a phone call, so now I’m bemused and wondering why everybody is suddenly beating a path to my door. I get a bit fatigued if I have to talk about lots of things – including myself, heaven forbid – because it means finding the right words and means of approach, as well as concentrating on not saying anything which might upset somebody because I’m trying to be a better person than I used to be when I virtually made a career of upsetting people.

Are you getting all this? I’m not sure that I am.

Right now I keep getting the urge to eat a couple of plum tomatoes, but I have to remind myself that my digestive system objects to the combination of tomatoes and scotch whisky. The whisky is non-negotiable at this time of night, so now I’ve probably upset a couple of perfectly friendly and sensitive plum tomatoes.

But I think I’ve reached an accommodation with the hen pheasant who stamped her foot and said ‘but I’m hungry.’ I like being taught lessons by non-human creatures. Such lessons generally make more sense than the stuff humans try to teach me.

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