Thursday, 21 May 2020

On Being Naturally Suspicious.

There’s been much talk over here about getting a ‘track and trace’ system set up so that those who have been in close contact with a person who has contracted Covid can be tracked and traced and warned to be vigilant. The system is intended to function through the use of apps downloaded onto smart phones. Everybody is enthusiastic, apparently, especially the government and the management of the NHS who are warning of a second spike in infections if the system is not set up quickly.

I confess to having doubts. I understand the desirability of reducing infection rates, but I wonder whether we should be looking further ahead. Could this be an example of the government and the Establishment taking the opportunity to use fear in order to prise open the door of surveillance a little further? Will the apps be disableable, and if so, will people bother to disable them? I did say that my trust in governments is becoming strained, didn’t I? I did use the phrase ‘rule by fear’, didn’t I? Or, in this case, maybe that should be amended to 'control through fear.'

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