Friday 19 March 2010

Why Waste Your Life Cooking?

I never understand why people cook. Why go to all that effort – struggling with cellophane wrappers, pushing the handle down on those things that toast bread, risking wrist injury while opening cans? You’ll never believe what my mother used to do. She used to make pastry, with flour and stuff, then she used to make pies with it! I mean, what is the bloody point when you can just go into a shop and buy the thing while you’re on your way to the Walmart store in the mall anyway? And didn’t she realise, silly woman, that she was taking people’s jobs away from them, and holding back the economy?

We live in a more enlightened age now. We have television running excellent stuff 24/7. If the great and the good are prepared to make the effort to create wonderful TV programmes for our delight and delectation, isn’t it just a little bit silly and ungrateful not to sit there and watch them? I mean, if God had wanted us to cook, he wouldn’t have given us eyes, backsides and comfy chairs, would he? Stands to reason.

C’mon; get a life!



G said...

Heh heh. Good one. I love to cook, from as scratch as possible.

Nuutj said...

I always find that homecooking is better (in taste and feel) and (here in Thailand mostly) cleaner. Also, many bakeries and foods are hard to find, some cannot even be found , we can only do them ourselves. That's why, I just can't stop doing it. ^_^

JJ said...

And 'clean' isn't just about not being dirty. It's the cocktail of chemicals they put in everything that bothers me - they often outnumber the food ingredients by about 10-1 in processed food. The more you cook from scratch, the more you avoid them; and the food tastes more 'real' too. Nice to see you BPG.

KMcCafferty said...

I thoroughly enjoy cooking!
It is a pain, and a mess, but I think that my sense of satisfaction is greater than my struggle with patience and dislike of cleaning up the mess.
There's nothing like homecooked food.

Zz... said...

we cook cos we like to simple as that. oh and cos we refuse to eat the crap that is frozen dinners and takeaway.

Zz... said...

mind you i'd settle for a personal chef is hard work...I only do it by default.