Monday 8 March 2010

Another Animal Issue.

Squirrels are considered a serious pest in Britain. They have to be culled because they damage trees. Damage trees, eh? That’s bad; but isn’t this pronouncement coming from members of a species that destroys an area of rainforest the size of Wales every year? We do it to make space for cows, which we then kill to provide the beef for Big Macs and their ilk. It's done to provide a tacky sort of pleasure that we would be better off without, and to make a great deal of money for multi-national companies and their small number of financial beneficiaries. In all my years of living in the countryside, I’ve only ever seen one tree fatally damaged by bark stripping. We humans have a seemingly endless capacity for irrational self-righteousness. It’s quite bizarre.

1 comment:

Mother Moon said...

good point... Man in all his good intentions can be quite selfish... Maybe he should take a long look at the effects he has on nature.