Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Government Listened to Me.

Well, not exactly; but the Government has announced that it is not proceeding with the plan to make all dog owners take out an insurance policy (see ‘Are Dogs Brighter than Politicians?’) They say it wouldn’t be fair to penalise the majority of responsible dog owners. Really? Shouldn’t they have realised that when the proposal was no more than a glint in some damn fool bureaucrat’s eye?


Wendy said...

See, candle magic works ; ) One step forward for animals, a small step, but nonetheless a step.

aceychan said...

hi, jeff! thank you for dropping by my blog!!! :D

this is the 1st time i've ever heard of pet insurance. it's interesting. you never hear that sort of thing here in the 3rd world. :)

JJ said...

Hello Ace. I was going to comment on your vomitting blog, but you answered it yourself in the next post. Nice picture!

Over here, it's become politically incorrect to refer to 'the third world.' We're supposed to call it 'the developing world' now. The West can be a bit arrogant at times!

Thank you for dropping in.

JJ said...


The way I see it, we humans are the most powerful animals on the planet. We can use that power to exploit and abuse the others, or we can use it to nurture and protect them. Guess which one I favour. There's a well known story in my home town, about an 18th century local 'witch' whose ghost appeared after her funeral. They dug up her body, re-buried it north-south (the grave is still in the local churchyard) and forced a live blackbird into the coffin first. How could anybody do that to an innocent bird?