Friday, 1 December 2023

Having a Smashing Time.

I broke my favourite coffee mug tonight, although to be strictly accurate it wasn’t I who broke it

I put it on a piece of board, you see, which I have on my desk to write on away from all the computer paraphernalia which makes office desks almost unusable these days. And then I reached out for something and accidentally knocked the board which slipped sideways and cast the mug to the floor where it smashed. So actually it was the floor which broke the mug with an ‘assist’ (as they’ve been saying in football ever since we picked up yet another bad habit from America) from the piece of board. I plead my innocence in the matter.

I liked that mug, though. It was French and rather stylish, so I was a bit peeved at seeing it in many pieces on the floor. What saddens me more, however, is that it was one of a matching pair, so its identical twin is now bereaved. I considered reducing the second one to the same condition as the dear departed and sending them together to whatever the French version of Valhalla is, but that seemed an awful waste so I think I’ll just sympathise instead.

And on the subject of football, I put the TV on tonight and watched the women’s game between England and Netherlands in some competition to decide which teams will play at the next Olympics. The England women didn’t get quite the result they wanted, but the pill was sweetened for me by the fact that, in my estimation, the Dutch had more good looking players. I can’t imagine why I noticed that. I don’t usually…

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