Monday, 11 December 2023

Connected and Unconnected Notes.

It occurred to me recently that I haven’t heard the word ‘hamburger’ for a very long time. When I was much younger and not yet vegetarian, the brown things which sat between two halves of a bun and which you bought from a street vendor were always called hamburgers. These days they appear to have been completely supplanted by beef burgers.

Since I am now vegetarian this is of scant consequence to me, but I still find it interesting. I expect the change has something to do with the President of Brazil and the reprobates running the big fast food franchises, but I’m only guessing.

And on a possibly-connected note, there’s another matter of scant consequence I find interesting. The room I use as my office and general relaxing space has a built-in cupboard in one corner. It’s an old fashioned cupboard with a wooden frame, wooden doors, and brass hinges, and this week it’s begun to squeak when I shut one of the doors. In 17½ years of living here it’s never done that before. A matter of scant consequence it might be on the surface, but is it further evidence of climate change? Maybe I should mention it the next time I encounter a climate change denier. It might make all the difference.

On a totally unconnected note, I have a little crack in the skin of a knuckle on one of my fingers. It’s the sort of thing you get if you do any work outdoors in cold, damp weather. It’s only about 3mm long, but it’s surprising how painful such a tiny wound can be.

I was going to read another chapter of Tenant tonight, but I wrote this little post instead. Must have been feeling productive. (In the last chapter, Mrs Graham sent poor Mr Hargrave packing because she was fed up with his incessant habit of making romantic overtures. She found it bloody irritating – five words of mine to stand in lieu of the five hundred Anne Brontë wrote to say the same thing. In response, Mr H decamped to Paris and stayed there, for which Mrs G gave thanks to God.)

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