Saturday, 10 June 2023

Wilting in the Heatwave.

We had a heatwave today. 28°C was the forecast, and that was about what it felt like. People in the tropics might smirk, but 28°C is a heatwave in this little corner of north-western Europe. The Met Office had put out a yellow alert, warning the elderly and those with cardiovascular issues to sit in a cold bath and eat ice cubes all day (or something like that.)

Well, whether I’m eligible to be called ‘elderly’ is a matter of both perception and definition. Personally, I don’t feel that I’m quite there yet, but who can say? What is an apparent fact, however, is that I do have cardiovascular issues, so was I worried? Not a bit. Last year the mercury climbed to 38°C and I suffered no ill effects at all, so why should 28 be a problem?

It was. Today was a day of excessive fatigue problems – weakness, lack of energy, pressure around the heart, headache, and when I stood up after drinking a cup of tea in the garden I felt so dizzy that I thought it advisable not to move for a few minutes. I took my routine walk anyway this morning, and got through it. I took another walk up the lane this evening just to prove to myself that I wasn’t quite dead yet. I managed that one, too.

So what was today all about? Am I older than I think I am? Has my cardiovascular issue grown worse since last summer? Was I simply having a bad day, as I sometimes do? Or was it a physical reaction to the sudden change from the cool airflow we’ve been experiencing so far this month. Since I’m becoming increasingly physically sensitive to sudden meteorological changes, I’m choosing to presume it was a combination of the last two. Sorted, maybe.

*  *  *

The final hour or so of twilight brought some recompense. The wind that had risen during the later part of the afternoon fell away to nothing, the hot sun had retired behind a modest cloud cover, and all was silent save the calling of a single wood pigeon. The air felt warm and benevolent, and all that was missing was the light rain which makes such evenings magical. I suppose it would be unreasonable to expect perfection while verging on being elderly and in possession of cardiovascular issues. Small mercies are most welcome.

*  *  *

And I did see something interesting today. I never cease to be fascinated by the level of agility displayed by squirrels when they’re negotiating tree branches, but today I saw one go a step further. It was walking confidently and with apparent ease along a telephone cable carrying fibre optic wires. I suspect it was showing off. I think squirrels are congenitally inclined to demonstrate their superiority to all comers. They already have me convinced.

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